Monday 5 May 2014


Networking is important at every level nowadays we all talk about Social Networking over the internet.
We must not forget that the real essence of Networking lies between Humans and we Humans are the Social Animal. Here are some mistakes we make in our daily life while Socially Networking with people.

1. We don't make eye contact while we are talking with the people and that shows the other person as you either don't take him/her seriously or we don't want to be taken seriously. Maintaining eye contact with people can help us overcome major weaknesses in us and can be beneficial at large.

2. Some people have a short term memory and they tend to forget the persons name with whom they were talking about a moment ago. This can be very annoying for the person who might have to face this situation. This can be a great fall back when you want to increase your Network and be more Social. Everybody likes to be called by their names and they admire it but if someone cannot keep the name in mind it can be a great set back for him/her

3.  Most of us think that showing to the venue late or leaving early will get us more attention then you are mistaken and the worst mistake one can do is showing people the carelessness. People tend to take such people non seriously and give them less consideration.

These are the mistakes/blunders we make in our daily life while Networking with other while Networking via Computers and via Humans is important.

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